New in November: Reserve group study rooms or dual workstations

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TIB as University Library is constantly striving to improve its services for members of the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). Many people frequently suggested to establish a room reservation service. From 5 November 2018 LUH students can reserve rooms and workstations at two TIB sites. We expect that more students than before are able to divide these rare spaces among themselves.

Rooms to be reserved:

At TIB Conti-Campus:

  • The 14 group study rooms on the 1st, 3rd and 4th All rooms can house 8 persons and are equipped with a whiteboard
  • A parent-child workroom on the 1st floor
  • The newly established dual workstations on the ground floor.

At TIB Technik/Naturwissenschaften (Science/Technology):

  • The 6 group study tables in our group study rooms 1 and 2 that are equipped with additional monitors
  • The 10 dual workstations on the ground floor.

How do I place a room reservation?

  1. You log in to the TIB portal as student of LUH with your library card number
  2. You select the page room reservation and choose a room or workstation
  3. You choose a vacant room or workstation and reserve it for 1-3 hours. You will receive a confirmation mail with a booking code for each hour.
  4. You appear at the destined room or workstation and use it. If appropriate, confirm your reservation with your confirmation mail.

You can make three one-hour reservations per week. You will find the specific terms of use on our room reservation page. For further information, please contact the colleagues in our information teams.

... arbeitet im Team "Zentrale Information" am TIB-Standort Technik/Naturwissenschaften.