Kategorie: Publizieren

Startseite des TIB AV-Portals auf einem Tablet

More Reliable – More Flexible – More Attractive: Update on the Development of the AV-Portal

The TIB video portal currently has almost 40,000 scientific videos from all disciplines and 700,000 visits per year. This blog post presents current further developments in 2022. These include easier findability of videos, an improved upload form and subtitling of videos.

Startseite des TIB AV-Portals auf einem Tablet

Zuverlässiger – flexibler – ansehnlicher: Neues zur Weiterentwicklung des AV-Portals

Das Videoportal der TIB zählt derzeit knapp 40.000 wissenschaftliche Videos aus allen Fachrichtungen und 700.000 Besuche jährlich. Dieser Blogbeitrag stellt aktuelle Weiterentwicklungen im Jahr 2022 vor. Dazu gehören die leichtere Auffindbarkeit von Videos, ein verbessertes Uploadformular und die Untertitelung der Videos.

B!SON goes local

Am 8.9.2022 luden TIB und SLUB zum zweiten Community-Workshop im BMBF-geförderten Projekt „B!SON – Bibliometric and Semantic Open Access Recommender Network“ ein. Mit ca. 15 Vertreter:innen wissenschaftlicher Einrichtungen – vorrangig aus Bibliotheken – diskutierten sie die Bedarfe für einen potenziellen lokalen Einsatz des Empfehlungssystems und die Voraussetzungen, die dafür aus ihrer Sicht erfüllt sein müssen.

Lots of open-access buttons

TIB endorses Action Plan for Diamond Open Access

TIB endorses the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access initiated by several European organizations. In doing so, it is underlining its desire to achieve a large-scale and fair transition to open access. This is necessarily dependent on an open infrastructure. The endorsement of the plan joins many related TIB activities.

How scientific publishers reacted to the Russo-Ukrainian war

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is negatively affecting the development of the Ukrainian academy, now and in the near future. Different academic stakeholders around the world, including scientific publishers, have reacted differently to this war, some imposing sanctions against Russia and/or providing aid to Ukraine, some refraining from such actions for various reasons. We try to take a closer look at the situation.

Curtains for B!SON beta!

Researchers can now have thematically appropriate, quality-assured Open Access journals recommended for their manuscript: with the beta version of the B!SON recommendation system. All interested parties are cordially invited to give us feedback on the recommendations and usability. In addition to the call for testing, in the blog post we report on the development work in the project and explain how the recommendation algorithm works.