Sabina Auhunas

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Head of the Department of Scientific Research and Digitization of the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine. Responsible executor of the national project on creation of software modules of the Ukrainian Research Information System (URIS).

Currently she is a visiting scholar at TIB Open Science Lab.

Rettung von Kulturgut: Wie die TIB ukrainische Open-Access-Zeitschriften systematisch und dauerhaft sichert

Das TIB-Projekt „EPP UA“ (Electronic Preservation Project for Ukrainian OA journals of TIB relevant subjects) zielt darauf ab, ukrainische Open-Access-Zeitschriften zu sichern und ihre Zugänglichkeit für die kommenden Generationen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern zu gewährleisten. In diesem Blogbeitrag geben wir einen Einblick in das Projekt.

Electronic Preservation Project for Ukrainian Open Access Journals (EPP UA) to safeguard research content during the war

Our Project “EPP UA” (Electronic Preservation Project for Ukrainian OA journals of TIB relevant subjects) aimed to safeguard Ukrainian Open Access journals and ensure their accessibility for future generations of scientists. In this blog post we give an insight into the project.

Academic and Research libraries in Ukraine: main tasks and best practices 

Starting from March 2022, TIB’s Open Science Lab has been hosting three scholars from Ukraine, whose research were disturbed by the war. In the first week of July, an introductory webinar, dedicated to Research and Academic libraries of Ukraine was conducted. Accordingly, this blog post is meant to serve as a brief report of the webinar.