Schlagwort: Research Data

State Initiative for Research Data Management in Lower Saxony

The aim of the ccccccc, which the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture has been funding with 15.7 million euros since November 2023, is to bring research data management to the scientific community in Lower Saxony and create a comprehensive range of services to support researchers.

Research data or research information: What’s the difference?

There are many terms that sound similar but have different meanings: Effectiveness and efficiency. Sympathy and empathy. In discourses on information science, the digitisation of science and research and currently in connection with the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, another pair of terms regularly appears that also sound similar but have different meanings: Research data and research information.

Examining Wikidata and Wikibase in the context of research data management applications

The monthly NFDI InfraTalk opened up an interesting question regarding the potential of Wikidata to be used as an application for science and research. In this 2-part post series, we expand on the differences between Wikidata and Wikibase instances, and their potential applications in academic contexts.

Rückblick auf unseren „FAIR Data and Software“-Workshop

Mitte Juli versammelten sich knapp 25 junge Wissenschaftler*innen und 4 externe Lehrende an der TIB, um gemeinsam die Anwendung der FAIR-Prinzipien auf Datensätze und selbst-geschriebene, wissenschaftliche Software zu üben. Das experimentelle Format kombinierte theoretischen Unterricht über die FAIR-Prinzipien und ihre Bedeutung für die Wissenschaftler, mit praktischen Live-Programmier- und Datenanalyse-Übungen nach dem Modell der Software, Data & Library Carpentries.