Open Science travelers from Kyoto visit TIB
On January 28th 2019, three librarians from the Kyoto University Library visited TIB’s and Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) cross-institutional research data management service team (RDM service). They met with Anneke Meyer (research and innovation services), Janna Neumann (TIB subject librarian chemistry and RDM) and Frauke Ziedorn (TIB publishing services and RDM).
Ms. Yuka Fujiwara from the academic support section and Ms. Michiyo Yashuhara from the Katsura Library of Global Engineering visited several university libraries in Germany and the Netherlands to learn about their respective efforts and projects regarding Open Science and RDM services. In Hanover, they were interested in the cooperation of library, university and IT services and their efforts to implement an integrated RDM service. They were joined by Ms. Chifumi Nishioka – assistant professor in Kyoto University Library’s research and development department – who separately visited the TIB research and development department. They learned about the history of the RDM service, the university’s RDM policy, training and consulting, as well as IT services for the university’s researchers – especially the new research data repository. Also, a brief outline of TIB’s own RDM activities in both research and development department as well as publishing services was presented to our guests.
Kyoto University is currently building a new engineering library on Katsura Campus which will unite five graduate school libraries and which will be the center for Open Science at Kyoto University. While the library already engages in making publications open access and runs the successful research information repository „Kurenai„, Open Science efforts are still very small in Japan. Kyoto University Library wants to establish research data management services at the university. The first step is developing a research data policy for the engineering faculty.
We were very happy to host them here in Hanover and provide them with useful information about establishing cross-institutional RDM-services for university researchers. We wish them success promoting Open Science and RDM at their university!
... ist Mitarbeiterin im Referat PID- und Metadaten Services der TIB und dort vor allem für das Projekt PID Network zuständig.
What role does the new research data repository play in supporting the university’s researchers?