A public archive for the videos of the Altmetrics Conferences and Workshops

We are glad to announce that most videos from the Altmetrics Conferences and Workshops are now available at a public archive, the TIB AV-Portal. In doing so, we create a long-term archive of the videos, define licenses for reuse, assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each video and provide the possibility to link the videos in future to the corresponding presentation slides and/or abstracts.

#EUvsVirus: Covid-19 Bioassays in the Open Research Knowledge Graph

The #EuVsVirus Pan-European Hackathon was organized as a full remote event coordinated over Slack channels over the weekend of April 24-26. Our team ‘TIB ORKG’ was a team of six people who met online in one of the 500 Slack channels created for the hackathon. We grouped on a common agreement: scholarly articles structured in the ORKG was a great idea to help researchers easily comprehend the articles’ content.