Simon Worthington

… is the research in NFDI4Culture - Data Publication - and project lead on #NextGenBooks project at the Open Science Lab, TIB – German National Library of Science and Technology. Board member of FORCE11 and member of the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group.


Semantic Publishing: The Future Open Textbook – a Contribution to NFDI4Culture

Semantic Publishing is a new open-source software research project contributing to the techstack for the creation of multi-format textbooks. A new generation of textbooks that includes modern Open Science digital objects, has semantic layers for structure and meaning, and packaging for interoperability. We are focusing on a specific book type ‘the textbook’ as an integrated part of MOOCs. The project is based at the Open Science Lab – TIB and contributes to the German consortium of the National Research Infrastructure for Culture (NFDI4Culture).