10 Years TIB AV-Portal – 10 Years of Science in Video Format

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Last updated: 29 April 2024

Whether countless conference recordings, impressive portraits of researchers, exciting documentaries, instructive educational and explanatory films, experiments and simulations, or video abstracts produced for scientific articles: The TIB AV-Portal is the central, open and, above all, non-commercial platform for finding, using and publishing a wide variety of scientific videos in a citable manner – far beyond the special focus of natural sciences and technology.

10 Jahre TIB AV-Portal - Jubiläumslogo (dunkel)

It officially went online on 29 April 2014 after almost three years of development within a project framework. Since then, the video portal by and for science has been consolidated as a basic infrastructure service of the TIB. It was established with steadily increasing content – currently with over 45,000 videos – and a considerable user response. Above all, it has been continuously and dynamically developed since its inception!

It is therefore an ideal occasion to celebrate #10JahreTIB_AVPortal as a sneak preview, which is as intensive as it is lively, with a variety of activities and campaigns all together (!) from now on and especially in the anniversary month of April. This can of course be seen and experienced in the portal itself, as an “information hub” here in the TIB Blog and far beyond. A continuously updated overview:

The ScienceVideoCamp 2024 – virtual and low threshold

BarcampThe event highlight on the occasion of the portal anniversary: April 15 2024 from 2 pm to 5 pm CET, a virtual barcamp on science communication with video(s) took place for the first time – the ScienceVideoCamp 2024. The keynote discussion “Beyond YouTube” with science journalist Eva Wolfangel and the filming maths/computer science professor Christian Spannagel provided the impetus. The rest of the programme was designed in a participatory and spontaneous way by all participants.

The Sessionboard was already available already for loose ideas and concrete suggestions in advance. Participation was completely free of charge and possible without registration. Although the ScienceVideoCamp 2024 was helt in German, English-language session and discussion contributions were of course also very welcome.

Portrait(s) of the TIB AV-Portal – a multi-part blog post series

Over the course of April, various authors will be presenting some key facets of the TIB AV-Portal with their own personal perspective and expertise in a series of interrelated blogposts:

  1. Three questions put to Margret Plank and Matti Stöhr about the TIB AV-Portal
  2. 10 Years of a Scientific Video Platform: The History of the TIB AV-Portal from its Beginnings to the Present from a Development Perspective
  3. “Video searches – video series – video playlists”: 10 years of content development and editing of the TIB AV-Portal
  4. Scientific Video Gems from 10 Years of the TIB AV-Portal – Discoveries and Recommendations

“My TIB AV-Portal” – create and publish personalised video playlists

With a portal account, you can easily and flexibly create playlists for your favourite videos and even publish and share them. Which films are particularly relevant, interesting and recommendable for your own (scientific) work, for teaching, for your studies or simply out of personal interest?

  1. Discover your “favourite videos”, especially in April,
  2. collect them in one or more playlists and
  3. share them with us directly via email and the social media community, with comments if you like.

Whether Mastodon, LinkedIn or Instagram, preferably with hashtag #10JahreTIB_AVPortal. Selected video recommendations appeared in an annotated compilation here on the blog. Our editorial recommendations can be one source of inspiration.

Playlist im TIB AV-Portal zum Thema Moderne Architektur
Example of a public playlist in the TIB AV-Portal on the topic of modern architecture

Voices on the TIB AV-Portal – diversity of positions and experiences

Over the past decade, countless people have contributed to the development, design and, above all, the diversity of content of the TIB AV-Portal and thus to its characteristics and success: individual authors or as part of a team, institutional and individual publishers; the portal development team and its internal and external partners, multipliers and, for sure, the users all in all.

Whether one-off or long-term usage – there were and are many reasons, decisions and factors for the constant availability and success of the portal. Pioneers and companions will have their say with their various thoughts and positions on the TIB AV-Portal: published continuously in April, here in the TIB-Blog, in the portal itself and via social media.

We look forward to your personal statement – either directly by email or via Mastodon, LinkedIn, Instagram & Co – of course with the hashtag #10JahreTIB_AVPortal. 🙂

Let‘s celebrate a great joint TIB AV-Portal anniversary!

Porträbild Matti Stöhr

... arbeitet seit Mai 2020 an der TIB mit Schwerpunkt Wissenschaftskommunikation besonders als Community Manager für das TIB AV-Portal. // ... has been working at the TIB since May 2020, specialising in science communication, especially as Community Manager for the TIB AV-Portal.