Schlagwort: scientific videos

10 Jahre TIB AV-Portal

Scientific Video Gems from 10 Years of the TIB AV-Portal – Discoveries and Recommendations

Exactly 10 years ago, on 29 April 2014, the TIB AV-Portal went online. This has of course already been mentioned several times in the anniversary announcement and in this blog post series – collected under the keyword #10JahreTIB_AVPortal. Now the time has come: THE video platform from science for science is officially 10 years old!

Collage aus Standbildern (Thumbnails) verschiedenster IWF-Fillme

“Video searches – video series – video playlists”: 10 years of content development and editing of the TIB AV-Portal

The dynamic, functional portal development of the past ten years has been remarkable and is promising both now and in the future. User-friendly features are great, but a repository is first and foremost valuable and utilised through content that is as attractive and relevant as possible. This article portrays the growth of researchable and usable science videos and the range of genres in the TIB AV-Portal, accompanied with insights into the editorial curation of the content.

Drei Fragen an (blau)

Three questions put to Margret Plank and Matti Stöhr about the TIB AV-Portal

The TIB AV-Portal, the video portal of TIB, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this month. This is a great opportunity for us to talk to Magret Plank and Matti Stöhr about the portal. As head of the Lab Non-Textual Materials, Margret Plank has been responsible for the TIB AV-Portal from the very beginning, while Matti Stöhr has been supporting it as Community Manager since May 2020.

10 Jahre TIB AV-Portal

10 Years TIB AV-Portal – 10 Years of Science in Video Format

#10YearsTIB_AVPortal – this is an ideal occasion for us to look back on an intensive and lively 10 years. From now on, and especially in the anniversary month of April, we want to celebrate the TIB AV-Portal together (!) with a variety of activities and campaigns. This can of course be seen and experienced in the portal itself, as an “information hub” here in the TIB-Blog and far beyond.

Startseite des TIB AV-Portals auf einem Tablet

More Reliable – More Flexible – More Attractive: Update on the Development of the AV-Portal

The TIB video portal currently has almost 40,000 scientific videos from all disciplines and 700,000 visits per year. This blog post presents current further developments in 2022. These include easier findability of videos, an improved upload form and subtitling of videos.

Ausschnitt aus einer Pohl-Vorlesung und demonstration aus dem Jahre 1952 in der Dokumentation "Einfachheit ist ein Zeichen des Wahren" (2005)

Shadow projections – illustrative history of physics on the occasion of World Audiovisual Heritage Day 2022

New in the AV-Portal: two documentaries on the life, work and aftermath of the Göttingen based physicist Robert Wichard Pohl give popular experiment videos with some contemporary material a science-historical background and show the (added) value of audiovisual heritage.